Friday, August 17, 2007


April 9, 2007
I have a friend with MERRF. (Myoclonus Epilepsy Associated with Ragged-Red Fibers is one of a group of rare muscular disorders that are called mitochondrial encephalomyopathies. Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies are disorders in which a defect in the genetic material arises from a part of the cell structure that releases energy (mitochondria). This can cause a dysfunction of the brain and muscles (encephalomyopathies). He has vision loss, hearing loss, has suffered a stroke and survived stage 4 mouth and throat cancer. He has lost a lot of lean mass and is currently in physical therapy. Because MERRF is due to a genetic problem that effects the mitochondria, I was wondering if CorvalenM might be helpful to him.


April 10, 2007
Thank you SO much for passing on my question to Dr. St. Cyr. He called me today and we had a very nice conversation in which I was able to give him more detailed information about my friend's medical situation. He is sending me Corvalen and some information, which I will give to my friend. I am quite hopeful that he will try it and see what it can do for him. I know that if he or his wife have any questions, I can assure them that they can contact your company and someone will be more than glad to help them.

I very much appreciated the information and concerns that Dr. St. Cyr shared and was delighted to have the opportunity to talk to him. As I told Dr. St. Cyr, I had total confidence that I would hear from someone in response to my inquiry. I have high regard for your company and your product and have already shared your product with two friends, one has polymyositis and the other has fibromyalgia. Both have gotten results that have greatly improved their quality of life. Thank you again for your assistance. I will be in touch as there are results to report.


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